Termos de Inscrição

Please read the following terms and conditions before registering to PES LEAGUE 2019 (the “Competition”). By registering to the Competition, you agree to the following terms.

[Prohibited Acts]
The following acts are prohibited. If the organiser of the Competition (“Organiser”) determines that such acts have or may have been performed, your participation to the Competition will be cancelled.
・Any act that would disrupt or disturb the Competition;
・Any act that would infringe any rights (including property rights, proprietary rights and privacy) of the Organiser or any other person or entity;
・Releasing false information about the Competition to the public;
・Any act done for the purpose of profit within the Competition;
・Any act that violates public order and morality; and
・Any other act that breaches the “Terms of Use((PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019)” , “Operation Policy” and any other rules separately provided by the Organiser.

[Use of User Profiles]
Your in-game player name will be disclosed at the Competition.
Your in-game player name may be used in broadcasts, videos and printed and digital materials regarding the Competition, which may be distributed by the Organiser or other media. Such distribution may be before, during and after the Competition.
The Organiser will consign Jellymedia Limited, located in United Kingdom, (“Contractor”) to process your personal data and Contractor or its sub-contractor may contact you for this Competition.

[Limitation of Liability]
The Organiser will not be liable for any loss of profit, special, punitive, consequential, incidental or indirect damages, or damages arising from special circumstances, regardless of any notice of the possibility of such damages, provided, however, such limitation shall not apply to those damages resulting from Organiser’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.

[Other Terms]
The Organiser retains the right to suspend, change or cancel the Competition at its sole discretion for any operational, security or administrative reasons.
The Organiser will not be liable for any disqualification of any user or any adverse conditions at the matches in the Competition due to any flaw, defects, bugs or problems to the game software, server etc.
The failure of the Organiser to require the performance of any terms and conditions hereof, or the waiver by the Organiser of any breach of this terms and conditions, shall not prevent any subsequent enforcement of such terms or conditions or be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach.
If any term, condition, or provision in this terms and conditions is found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the remaining provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Organiser: Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.

1234567890,.ABCDEFGSKLNORSComo ligar o teu KONAMI ID à tua conta de jogo